2024 New Year Resolutions To Drive Success Online

  • by Ilona K.
2024 New Year Resolutions To Drive Success Online

Table of contents

  1. Try at least one new tool
  2. Take at least one measure to safeguard your brand
  3. Find at least one new growth route
  4. Start at least one new initiative
  5. Read at least one new book

New Year, new me, new resolutions… While it’s the time of the year when we all make pledges to be better versions of ourselves, it’s also the right time to do the same for your business. Need some inspiration? it.com Domains got you covered!

New Year resolutions tend to be a personal thing – but for entrepreneurs, a business is effectively an extension of personality. If you are aiming to boost online performance of your company in 2024, here are five ideas for New Year resolutions for your business.

Try at least one new tool

There are thousands of software and web tools to help small and medium businesses succeed. Those often do not require any or significant investment, but can quickly make your life easier. For example, here is a selection of web tools to improve your website’s copy.

Generative AI made a splash in 2023 and democratized AI solutions for businesses of any size. In line with this trend, we’ve picked five AI tools to find a great domain name.

So here’s the first pledge for 2024: identify a business problem (could be as big or small as you wish), find a tool which claims to help with it and try adopting it in your workflow. 

Take at least one measure to safeguard your brand

While there might be many things on any CEO’s mind, brand protection online is often not the first in the list of priorities. However, lack of proactivity in this area can cost a lot in the long-term.

Domain name management is closely interlinked with protecting your brand online. Even if you are not aware of it, scammers might impersonate your brand through lookalike domains or register your brand name as a domain in a variety of domain zones you are not currently present in. 

Here comes the second pledge for 2024: explore defensive domain registration options and revisit your domain portfolio to ensure you’re covered for key products and geographies. 

Find at least one new growth route

This one might be interesting. We are all creatures of habit when it comes to doing business. We tend to use the tactics that worked before, and fall into a routine which seems to be working. But, just like in ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass’, in business  ‘it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place.” So why not try running faster – or in a new direction?

For quite some time, SEO (search engine optimization) was a privilege of a few tech geeks. Yet, with an increased cost of online ads, businesses increasingly turn to creating a steady flow of organic traffic to their websites. And it is simpler than you think!

From uncovering the impact of branded vs generic keywords in your domain to gaining backlinks and ways to rank on Google in the Generative AI era, we are often exploring some basic SEO concepts in our blog to help you navigate the industry.

Which takes us to the third pledge for 2024: take some time to look at your website positioning in Google’s organic search and implement at least one initiative to improve your SEO performance, such as creating new content or keyword optimization of your website. 

Source: Unsplash

Start at least one new initiative

Even if your main business takes 120% of your time, it’s important for any entrepreneur to keep eyes open for opportunities. Whether it’s a new tool to create off the back of the success of some inter-company process, or a side hustle to follow your passion, or a networking and community project to drive forward – there is no better time to do it than now. 

For example, discover how Natalija Japerte, the founder and CEO of The International Women’s Alliance (IWA), started her project for empowering women in business alongside her day job. And if you decide to trial your new venture, reach out to us at it.com Domains – we can help you find a domain name in the lucrative .it.com zone to position it well online.

So, the fourth pledge for 2024: follow your passion and take it online with a new venture and a new domain name. 

Read at least one new book

It is said that most successful CEO’s read a book a week, which makes it a whopping 50+ books per year. However, we know how busy you are – so we are challenging you with a smaller commitment. 

Make your fifth pledge for 2024 reading at least one new book. For inspiration, head to a list of thought-provoking books curated by it.com Domains CEO Andrey Insarov. 

Keen to boost your business online in 2024? Visit it.com Domains’ blog and follow us on social media.

Ilona K.
Ilona K.
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