Industry News Digest: March 2024

  • by Ilona K.
Industry News Digest: March 2024

Table of contents

  1. Director of Sedo: AI, Renewable Energy, and Voice Search Are the Future of Domain Industry
  2. Google's Algorithm Dislikes AI Content: How to Gain Its Approval
  3. Meet Claude 3, Potential New Competitor for ChatGPT
  4. GlobalBlock Blocks over 2.5 Million Domains

Welcome to our monthly Industry News Digest. Explore new online trends, platform features and domain industry news to stay up to date. Here’s a summary for March 2024.

Director of Sedo: AI, Renewable Energy, and Voice Search Are the Future of Domain Industry

Domain names related to artificial intelligence, renewable energy, and voice search will be in most demand in the coming future, says Sophie Pieck, Director of Business Development at Sedo.

In her recent interview, she identified key trends that will shape the industry in the coming months. She also emphasized the importance of investing in short, high-capacity domains in popular areas.

One challenge Sophie highlighted is a potential scarcity of ultra-premium domains (they consist of a single word that relates specifically to an industry, followed by .com). Many of those have been in the hands of investors for a long time. Yet now, more companies are looking to acquire the perfect web address. At some point, almost all the ultra-premium domains may be taken.

Why should you care? If you run a business related to key trends identified by Sophie, it’s high time to review your domain portfolio. Do you have the right domain name for your website? Have you registered the same name in key domain zones to protect your business? And if you are a domain investor, now is the time to pay attention to domains related to AI and IT, as those might increase in price in the foreseeable future.

Source: The Domains

Google’s Algorithm Dislikes AI Content: How to Gain Its Approval

With a March 2024 core algorithm update, Google started penalizing websites for AI-generated content. That means showing websites populated with content created by artificial intelligence lower in search results. 

The use of AI-generated content can affect a site’s search visibility and ranking, and in the worst case, algorithms will exclude it from indexing. 

Google’s ranking systems, such as Reviews and Helpful Content, have quality standards that AI content cannot meet. Google’s Self-Assessment Questions list things that high-quality websites tend to demonstrate. Google’s documentation requires originality in content. Unoriginality is the hallmark of generative AI.

However, AI can still be used effectively for content creation. Using a mix of human insight and experience to feed into content production by AI, and adding evidence of human input into the copy can help the websites to avoid being punished by Google. 

Why should you care? AI may make it easier to create website content, so there is no point to abandon it completely. However, ensure your content is useful and meets quality standards – learn more about how to generate traffic from Google in the generative AI era. Then you will still benefit from a scalable content creation process while avoiding potential penalties from Google. 

Source: Search Engine Journal 

Meet Claude 3, Potential New Competitor for ChatGPT

Anthropic, an AI safety and research company, has introduced Claude 3, an AI tool that has the potential to excel in generating text and visual content, positioning itself as a significant rival to OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

Claude 3 boasts industry-leading performance in cognitive tasks. Claude 3 Opus, the most powerful model, is available through a subscription service, while the other options offered by the tool can be accessed for free. 

Anthropic’s Claude 3 boasts improvements in analysis, forecasting, content creation, code generation, and multilingual conversation. It also features enhanced vision capabilities, allowing it to process visual formats like photos, charts, and diagrams.

Why should you care? Competition in the Generative AI market creates more efficient assistants for various tasks: from photo processing to content writing. If Claude 3 successfully passes all tests, users will have another tool to support their work.

Source: arsTechnica

GlobalBlock Blocks over 2.5 Million Domains

A few months after its launch, the GlobalBlock project has proven to be a success. The service that allows trademark owners to block unauthorized use of their logos across top-level domains (TLDs) for a single fee, has already blocked over 2.5 million domains.

Created by GoDaddy, GlobalBlock also covers typos and Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) homographs. This service is designed to prevent cybersquatters and phishers from claiming blocked domains.

Why should you care? The service is effective in protecting brands online and preventing scammers from deceiving users by using domains that are similar to popular web addresses. The latest performance indicators show that the service is effective in its task and protects users from illegal activities, as well as companies from potential reputation damage.

Source: Domain Incite

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Ilona K.
Ilona K.
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