Registries, Registrars and Registrants

  • by Ilona K.
Registries, Registrars and Registrants

Table of contents

  1. Where can you buy a domain name?
  2. The difference between registrar and registry companies
  3. How do I buy a domain?
  4. Don’t let to trick you

The domain-selling business is huge. In the information age, almost all companies have websites that require domain names. Whilst these names shouldn’t be chosen at random, they should be easy to remember, preferably not too long (up to 6 characters), and reflect your brand or area of activity.

We’ve already written in detail about domain names in our blog.

This time we want to talk about how the domain market works; how domains are sold, who you can buy them from, and what you need to pay attention to when doing so.

Where can you buy a domain name?

Please note that purchasing a domain name doesn’t give you permanent ownership of it. In fact, it’s a lease. You can renew use of it annually. You can also pay for several years at a time. Domains, for instance, has a discount system for long-term renewals. This means it’s a good idea to pay special attention to who you buy a domain from.

However, registrar companies are the main sellers. They shouldn’t be confused with registry companies.

The difference between registrar and registry companies

Registry companies provide access to domain zones. This is where you can register your domain name. As a rule, they don’t offer direct sales. Registrar companies do this. As domain name vendors. Registrar companies are, in fact, the intermediaries between buyers and registries. If you contact them, you can purchase a domain name in any domain zone you like.

The largest and most reliable registrar companies have ICANN* certification. Certified companies may have slightly higher prices, but you are paying for reliability, as these companies comply with international rules and monitor their reputations on the market. Domains is included in the list of companies that have the ICANN accreditation. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN ) is a non-profit organisation registered and based in California. Its tasks include maintaining the reliability and stability of the Internet, as well as coordinating technical functions related to the management of DNS (Domain name servers).

How do I buy a domain?

You can contact the vendor directly. This method has its advantages. As there is no intermediary, deals can potentially be closed more rapidly. Also, there are no f commissions from any third-party systems. However, if you contact an individual rather than a company, then there is a high risk of fraud. The seller could change the conditions at any time, and there will be no third party able to protect your interests.

Therefore, if you want to contact the seller directly, it’s better to deal with accredited companies with which you will have a formal contract.

Another way to buy domains is through exchanges. On these, you can either purchase a domain yourself or contact a specialised broker who will select one for you. Often, on these websites, domain names are purchased by auction. Exchanges sell domain names that the previous owners haven’t renewed. This means you have a good chance of getting a valuable domain.

You can also purchase a domain name through a host, or a web studio. Whilst this does mean you’ll save time and energy searching for and directly purchasing the domain name, this method is quite risky. If purchased this way, the domain may be issued to the studio or host, rather than to you personally. If they forget to renew the use, you will lose it.

Don’t let to trick you

In the domain name market, it’s easy to fall for scammers acting as cybersquatters (next time, we will tell you more about what this is and how to avoid falling into the hands of scammers). To prevent this, the purchase of domains should be approached responsibly. Resellers should be selected carefully. It’s not enough just to find the right name and pay. You need to make sure that you’re not wasting your money and that your interests are carefully protected. Domains has a transparent pricing and sales policy. On our website, you can choose the best domain name for you. The company is an official registrar and sells domains with full documentation

Ilona K.
Ilona K.
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