IT.COM DOMAINS LTD is an international domain name registry offering third-level domain names under the zone. The company is a private venture developed from Intis Telecom, an international telecoms company specialising in Business Messaging via the cloud, utilizing digital channels such as SMS, Viber and WhatsApp to deliver clients’ content rapidly and accurately on a global basis. Intis is truly international having offices in the UK, US and Hong Kong.
يفتح اسم النطاق بامتداد الباب لعالم من الفرص أمام العملاء القُدامى والجُدد عن طريق تقديم مجموعة غير محدودة من أسماء النطاقات ذات المعاني التي يمكنها حقًا دعم انتشار العلامة التجارية للذين يستثمرون فيها.
In September of 2024 SIA INTIS TELECOM applied for support programm "Export Support Action Plan" from the Latvian Investment and Development Agency (application no. 17.1-1-L-2024/389) . This initiative is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.